De ISO- en IEC-standaarden leveren een lange lijst van definities van de term 'service' - wat nogal vreemd lijkt voor een organisatie die claimt dat ze standaarden levert. Desalniettemin, hier is een lijst van 100 opties om uit te kiezen:
- ISO/IEC Guide 14:2003 - result of activities between a supplier and a client, and the internal activities carried out by the supplier to meet the requirements of the client
- ISO/IEC Guide 76:2008 - result of at least one activity, necessarily performed at the interface between the supplier and customer, that is generally intangible
- ISO 834-9:2003 - devices penetrating the ceiling (e.g. lighting and ventilation systems) not otherwise covered by a specific fire test
- ISO/IEC 2382:2015 - <open systems interconnection> capability of a given layer and the layers below it that is provided to the entities of the next higher layer
- ISO/IEC 2382-36:2019 - output of an organization with at least one activity necessarily performed between the organization and the customer [taken from ISO 9000:2015]
- ISO 3534-2:2006 - product that is the result of at least one activity performed at the interface between the supplier and the customer
- ISO 4254-1;2013 - activities to be done as required and/or at regular intervals by an operator familiar with the machine characteristics and complying with the information for service and safe practices, as specified by the manufacturer in the operator's manual and by signs on the machine, in order to maintain the proper function of the machine
- ISO 5127:2017 - means of delivering value for the customer by facilitating results the customer wants to achieve [taken from ISO/IEC 20000:2011]
- ISO 6707-1:2017 - system for conveying water, gas, warm air, or electricity, or that provides water, gas, oil, or air to or within a construction works ( or removes waste (3.8.13) from it
- ISO 8927:1991 - all activities necessary to retain an item in operational condition or to restore a failed item. Service is a generic term of maintenance and repair.
- ISO 9000:2015 - output of an organization with at least one activity necessarily performed between the organization and the customer
- ISO/IEC 9040:1997 - A distinct part of the total VT Service that is composed of a sequence of primitives taken from the set {request primitive, indication primitive, response primitive, confirm primitive}.
- ISO 9241-11:2018 and 220:2019 - means of delivering value for the customer by facilitating results the customer wants to achieve
- ISO 9314-2 and -7:1989 and -5:1995- A set of functions provided by one OSI layer (or) sub-layer entity, for use by a higher layer or sub-layer entity or by management entities.
- ISO 9314-9:2000 - FDDI services provided by one FDDI entity to another
- ISO/IEC 10027;1990 and ISO/IEC TR 10032:2003 - a capability provided by a processor to other processors, or by a process to other processes
- ISO/IEEE 11073-10201:2004 - A specific behavior that a communication party in a specific role is responsible for exhibiting.
- ISO/IEEE 11073-20702:2018 -A software system that exposes its capabilities by receiving and/or sending MESSAGEs on one or several network endpoints
- ISO 11135:2014 - supplies from an external source, needed for the correct function of equipment
- ISO 11336-1:2012: description of the service limitations for which a yacht is assessed to be suitable
- ISO 11137-1:2006 - supplies from an external source, needed for the function of equipment
- ISO 11139:2018 - supplies from an external source needed for the function of equipment
- ISO 11553-1:2005 –(corrective maintenance) performance of those procedures or adjustments described in the manufacturer's service instructions which may affect any aspect of a product's performance
- ISO/TS 11602-2:2010 - process that includes maintenance, recharging or hydrostatic testing, or more than one of these
- ISO 12967-1 & ISO/TR 12773-2:2009 - number of processes, involving an organization in the provision of specific objectives
- ISO 13009:2015 - provision specifically to individuals or groups of individuals in order to facilitate activities of public use
- ISO/IEC 13066:2011 and -3:2012 and -4:2015 - functionality made available to a user electronically
- ISO/IEC 13157-1:2014 - (N)-service as specified in ISO/IEC 7498-1
- ISO 13537:2010 - A service is a provision of an interface of an object to support actions of another object.
- ISO 13578:2017 - periodic exchange of lances, cleaning (e.g. lance, slag door area), lubrication, adjustment of limit switches
- ISO/IEC 13818-6:1998 - A set of elementary streams offered to the user as a program. They are related by a common synchronization. They may be made of different data, eg. video, audio, subtitles, other data.
- ISO/IEC 14165-372:2011 and -414:2007 - a service is provided by a node, accessible via an N_Port that is addressed by a WKA or an N_Port identifier (for example, the directory service and the alias service); a service provides access to one or more servers
- ISO/TR 14292:2012 & ISO/TR 20055:2018 - ability of a system to provide a defined set of output information based on a defined set of input information
- ISO/IEC TR 14369:2018 - facility, or set of facilities, made available to service users through an interface
- ISO/IEC 14496-6:2000 - Is an entity identified by a Service Name (opaque to DMIF) which responds to DAI primitives.
- ISO/IEC 14772-2:2004 - The method of interfacing between external applications and the browser.
- ISO/IEC 14776-411 -412 -413 and -414:1999 and 2007 and 2009 - any operation or function performed by a SCSI object that is invoked by other SCSI objects
- ISO 14813-5:2020 - <ITS> performance of one or more tasks that fulfills an ITS user need for an ITS user
- ISO 15143-1:2010 - beneficial performance conferred by the system in order to achieve the project goals
- ISO/IEC/IEEE 15288:2015 & ISO/IEC/IEEE 15939;2017 - performance of activities, work or duties
- ISO/IEC 16500-1 and -7:1999 - A set of elementary streams offered to the user as a program. They are related by a common synchronization. They may be made of different data, eg. video, audio, subtitles, other data.
- ISO/IEC 17020;2012 - result of at least one activity necessarily performed at the interface between the supplier and the customer, which is generally intangible
- ISO/IEC TR 17028:2017 - output of a service provider with at least one activity necessarily performed between the service provider and the customer
- ISO 17215-2:2014 - logical combination of zero or more methods, zero or more fields, and zero or more events
- ISO 17264:2009 - road transport related facility provided by a service provider
- ISO17267:2009 - data model entity for a commercial activity of interest to travelers as a destination and/or orientation that is associated with road element(s) by which it can be accessed and further described by attributes including (at least) name and type
- ISO 17361:2015 - class of links with a common application between typed sources and typed targets
- ISO/TR 17522:2015 - specific behavior that a communication party in a specific role is responsible for exhibiting
- ISO 17842:2015 - replacement or replenishment of components, including fluids which are designated to be replaced or replenished at specified intervals
- ISO 17987-3:2016 - combination of a diagnostic request and response
- ISO/IEC 18018:2003 - Abstract description of work done by CM tools.
- ISO/IEC TR 18053:2000 - A benefit provided by one CSTA application process to another.
- ISO 18091:2019 - <local government> output of a local government process that has at least one activity performed at the interface between the local government and customer/citizen and that is generally intangible
- ISO/TS 18101-1:2019 - repeatable business activity that has a specified outcome
- ISO 18202:2015 - A set of capabilities that a component provides to another component via an interface.
- ISO 18308:2011 - set of related software functionality
- ISO/IEC 18384-1:2016 - logical representation of a set of activities that has specified outcomes, is self-contained, may be composed of other services, and is a “black box” to consumers of the service
- ISO 19101-1:2004 and -2:2018 and ISO 19103:2015 and ISO 19115-1:2014 and ISO 19119:2005 and :2016 and ISO 19128:2005 and ISO/TS 19129:2009 and 19132:2007 and ISO 19142:2010 and ISO 19143:2010 and ISO 19154:2014 and ISO 19155:2012 and ISO 19167:2019 - distinct part of the functionality that is provided by an entity through interfaces
- ISO/TR 19231:2014 - ability of a system to provide a set of output information based on a defined set of input information
- ISO/IEC 19762:2016 - software program that provides responses to requests from other software programs, which are frequently on other remotely connected computers
- ISO 19763-5 and -7 and -9:2015 - kind of application which encapsulates one or more computing modules and can be accessed through a specified interface
- ISO/IEC 19790;2012 - any externally operator invoked operation and/or function that can be performed by a cryptographic module
- ISO/IEC 20000-1:2011 and -10:2018 - means of delivering value for the customer by facilitating results (or outcomes) the customer wants to achieve
- ISO 20106:2015 - A set of capabilities that a component provides to another component via an interface.
- ISO 20400:2017 - results generated by activities at the interface between a supplier (3.30) and a customer and by supplier internal activities to meet customer needs
- ISO/TS 20452:2007 - data model entity for a commercial activity of interest to travelers as a destination and/or orientation that is associated with road element(s), by which it can be accessed, and place(s)
- ISO/TR 20514:2005 - number of processes, involving an organization in the provision of specific objectives
- ISO 20534:2018 - system function that plays the role of a product
- ISO 21219-1 and -9 and -10 and -19:2016 - collection of different information streams (applications) logically bound together and delivered from a service provider to the end user
- ISO/IEC/IEEE 21451-1:2010 - An instance of a subclass of IEEE1451_Service
- ISO/TR 21245:2018 - result of activities between a supplier (3.23) and a customer, and the internal activities carried out by the supplier to meet the requirements of the customer
- ISO 22301:2012 & ISO/TS 22318;2015 - beneficial outcomes provided by an organization to its customers, recipients and interested parties, e.g. manufactured items, car insurance and community nursing
- ISO 22902-1:2006 - software that provides a useful function to another entity
- ISO 23006-2 and -4 and -6:2016 - operation performed on an entity by a user on behalf of other users
- ISO 23007-1:2010 - system supporting interaction, local or over a network, by means of message exchanges (e.g. UPnP service or Web service)
- ISO 23950: 1998 - (1) A Z39.50 service, as in the "search" service; (2) an extended service, as in the "persistent result set extended service"; (3) the service-provider.
- ISO 24510:2007 and ISO 24511:2007 and ISO 24512:2007 and ISO 24516:2017 and ISO 24520:2017 - result of a process [Adapted from the definition of “product” in ISO 9000:2005]
- ISO 24516-1:2016 - result of a process [adapted from ISO 9000:2005]. Service is the result of at least one activity necessarily performed at the interface between the provider of the service and, in the first place, its user and, in the second place, a stakeholder. The word “service” in common English can also refer to the entity providing the actions related to the subject in question, as is implicit in such phrases as “bus service”, “police service”, “fire service” and “water or wastewater service”. In this context and usage, “service” implies the entity that is delivering the service, e.g. “the public transport of passengers”, “the provision of public security”, “fire protection and response”, and “delivering drinking water or collecting wastewater”. If “service” can be understood in this way, “water service” becomes synonymous with “water utility”; hence in this document, in order to avoid confusion, only the definition in 3.19 applies. [from ISO 24510:2007]
- ISO 24516-4:2019 and ISO 24513;2019 - output of an organization with at least one activity performed between the organization and, in the first place, its user and, in the second place, a stakeholder
- ISO/IEC 24727-1:2014 - set of processing functions available at an interface
- ISO/IEC 24748:2006 - performance of activities, work, or duties associated with a product.
- ISO/IEC 24752-1:2014 – functionality made available to a user electronically
- ISO 24752-8:2018 - server offering RESTful operations for the management of REST resources
- ISO/IEC/IEEE 24765:2017 - means of delivering value for the customer by facilitating results the customer wants to achieve 2. performance of activities, work, or duties [ISO/IEC/IEEE 15939:2017 Systems and software engineering — Measurement process, 3.35; ISO/IEC TS 24748-1:2016 Systems and software engineering — Life cycle management — Part 1: Guide for life cycle management, 2.46; ISO/IEC/IEEE 15288:2015 Systems and software engineering — System life cycle processes, 4.1.42]3. behavior, triggered by an interaction, which adds value for the service users by creating, modifying, or consuming information; the changes become visible in the service provider's environment [ISO/IEC 10746-2:2009 Information technology — Open Distributed Processing — Reference Model: Foundations, 13.3.1] product, result, deliverable
- ISO/IEC 25011:2017 and ISO 25065:2019 - means of delivering value for the customer by facilitating results the customer wants to achieve
- ISO 25424:2018 - supplies from an external source needed for the function of equipment
- ISO 26000:2010 - action of an organization to meet a demand or need
- ISO 27501:2019 - means of delivering value for the stakeholder by facilitating results which the stakeholder wants to achieve
- ISO/TS 27790:2009 - specific behavior that a communication party in a specific role is responsible for exhibiting
- ISO/IEC TR 29108:2013 - Logical functional unit. Smallest units of control. Exposes actions and models the state of a physical device with state variables. For more information, see clause on Control (in ISO/IEC 29341-1)
- ISO/IEC TR 29110-1:2016 - performance of activities, work, or duties
- ISO/IEC 29110-4-4:2018 - A set of functions provided by one OSI layer or sublayer entity, for use by a higher layer or sublayer entity or by management entities. Data services are provided to a higher layer or sub-layer entity; management services are provided to a management entity. [taken from ISO/IEC/IEEE 15288:2015]
- ISO/IEC TR 29110-5-3:2018 - performance of activities, work or duties
- ISO 30100-1 and -2:2016 - field of use of an HES
- ISO/IEC TR 30102:2012 - logical representation of a set of repeatable activities that has specified outcomes, is self-contained, may be composed of other services, and is a “black box” to consumers of the service
- ISO/IEC TR 30109:2015 - software program that provides responses to requests from other software programs, which are frequently on other remotely connected computers
- ISO 37500:2014 - result of activities performed by the provider according to the agreed scope, service levels and client demands
- ISO/IEC 40180:2017 and ISO 9001:2015- output of an organization with at least one activity necessarily performed between the organization and the customer
- ISO 41011:2017 - time-perishable, intangible activity performed for an entity
- ISO 50007:2017 - output of an organization with at least one activity necessarily performed between the organization and the customer [taken from ISO 900:2015]
Voldoende in de war gebracht door 'standaarden'? Lees dan het USM-boek en de blog "100+ horrifying definitions" en leer wat de kortste en meest pragmatische definitie van een service is die je ooit tegen zult komen.
"In der Einfach zeigt sich der Meister"
De meest universele definitie van een service is die van USM: "een service is een ondersteunde voorziening". Toepasbaar op elk vakgebied en op elke service.
Een voorziening is gedefinieerd als een combinatie van goederen en handelingen. De ondersteuning wordt gedefinieerd in het USM Klant-Leverancier Interactie Model. Deze unieke definitie is één van de bouwstenen van de USM servicemanagementarchitectuur.
PS - als je denkt dat je alles wel gezien hebt, dan kun je altijd nog hier tegenaan lopen:
“Service is the act of integrating and applying competences and other resources by two or more parties within dynamic service ecosystems, with the intent to co-create value, with a focus on relationship-building, and with consideration of the context-dependent, unique and phenomenological nature of value from service.” [Quote from Reflections on XLA].